Woman’s life saved by routine trip to dental hygienist

A routine trip to the dental hygienist turned out to be a life-saving moment for Helen Rowney, a 65-year-old woman from Norwich, as reported by Wales Online. Despite leading a healthy lifestyle with no smoking, drinking, and a clean diet, Helen was referred to Guy’s Hospital by her dental hygienist after finding a ‘sore spot’ during a routine check-up. Following an MRI scan, doctors discovered early-stage mouth cancer, propelling Helen into an intense journey of surgery and recovery.
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Helen, a freelance market researcher and a mother of two grown-up children, underwent an eight to nine-hour surgery last year, where her upper teeth were removed, and a portion of her left fibula was used to reconstruct her jaw. Skin grafts from her leg were also utilized to create a new palate, with the surgical incision extending from her ear down to her neck. The ordeal left Helen unable to walk, requiring her to relearn how to walk and eat.

The emotional rollercoaster continued as Helen recalled the surreal experience of being in the hospital, facing the fears of surgery, and the overwhelming support from her family and the hospital staff. Despite the challenges, Helen’s determination and the exceptional care she received enabled her to break recovery records and return home after just six days in the hospital, illustrating the resilience and strength she possessed throughout the ordeal.

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The prompt action taken by the dental hygienist in referring Helen to specialists at Guy’s Hospital played a crucial role in detecting the cancer at an early stage. This not only spared Helen from undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy but also highlighted the critical importance of routine dental check-ups in detecting potential health issues beyond just oral hygiene.

Experts emphasise the significance of recognising early signs of mouth cancer such as ulcers that won’t heal, unusual patches, and difficulty swallowing. Alastair Fry, a consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon, highlights the increasing prevalence of mouth cancer cases and underscores the importance of seeking professional evaluation if any symptoms persist.

Helen’s journey serves as a poignant reminder of the impact early detection can have in combating severe health conditions. Her story sheds light on the vital role dental professionals play in not only maintaining oral health but also in identifying potential life-threatening conditions that may otherwise go unnoticed. Helen’s gratitude towards the medical team and her family echoes the profound impact of timely interventions and unwavering support in overcoming adversity.

As Helen continues her recovery journey with regular follow-ups and future treatments, her resilience and positive outlook stand as a beacon of hope for others facing similar challenges. Her experience serves as a testament to the strength found in the face of adversity and the life-saving potential of routine healthcare checks, offering a compelling narrative of survival and gratitude amidst unforeseen obstacles.