Woman who died after being told she had anxiety thought she’d seen a GP but she hadn’t

A tragic incident involving the misdiagnosis of a young woman has sparked a call for greater transparency and clarity regarding the roles of medical associates within the healthcare system. Emily Chesterton, aged 30, passed away from a pulmonary embolism in 2022 after a physician associate (PA) wrongly diagnosed her with long Covid and anxiety. Emily had sought medical help for calf pain and shortness of breath, believing she had consulted with a GP on two occasions, but it was a PA who provided the diagnosis and prescribed medication. Her parents, Marion and Brendan Chesterton, are now advocating for clearer guidelines on the scope of practice for PAs and anaesthesia associates (AAs) and the level of supervision they should receive.

In response to their daughter’s tragic death, the Chestertons are supporting a legal challenge by Anaesthetists United, which aims to establish national guidelines defining the tasks that AAs and PAs can undertake safely and lawfully, as well as ensuring adequate supervision by doctors. The campaign also seeks to address the ambiguity surrounding the roles of these medical associates, emphasizing the need for clarity to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Consultant anaesthetist Dr Richard Marks of Anaesthetists United highlighted the importance of nationally agreed guidelines to delineate the responsibilities and limitations of AAs and PAs. The legal action is intended to urge the General Medical Council to take decisive steps in regulating and defining the roles of non-doctor medical staff in healthcare settings. The GMC has pledged to work with patients, professionals, and other stakeholders to implement safe and effective regulation for physician associates and anaesthesia associates, emphasizing the necessity for appropriate governance structures and supervision to ensure patient safety.

The Chestertons are determined to raise awareness about the need for comprehensive guidelines and supervision in the medical profession to prevent similar tragedies from occurring. They stress the importance of clearly defining the roles of PAs and AAs to safeguard patients and uphold high standards of care within the healthcare system. The campaign for greater transparency and accountability in medical practice continues to gain momentum, with calls for regulatory measures to protect the well-being of patients and ensure the competence of all healthcare professionals.