Woman found man trying to burgle her house as her baby slept

Woman Prevents Burglary Attempt as Baby Sleeps

A woman in Cardiff thwarted a burglary attempt at her home by discovering a man trying to break in while her baby slept upstairs. The incident, which occurred at 12:20 am on March 4, severely impacted the victim, who was dealing with postnatal psychosis. The burglar, Omar Karshe, 43, had a history of theft-related convictions and tried to enter several doors in the area before targeting the victim’s house.

At a sentencing hearing at Newport Crown Court, it was revealed that Karshe poked his torso into the victim’s home to check if anyone was present before being confronted by her. Following the confrontation, Karshe fled the scene, and the authorities were notified. Karshe, who later admitted to the attempted burglary, has a lengthy criminal record with 175 convictions, including multiple theft and burglary offenses.

During the hearing, the victim described the impact of the incident on her mental health, stating, “I am terrified the male will come back and harm my child.” The victim’s anxiety worsened due to the break-in, exacerbating her postnatal psychosis. In court, Karshe’s defense lawyer attributed his client’s actions to a drug addiction, explaining that he had been using drugs throughout the day and attempted the burglary to obtain money for more drugs.

Despite the defense’s arguments, Recorder David Warner emphasized the severity of Karshe’s actions and sentenced him to 20 months in prison. Warner expressed skepticism about the possibility of rehabilitating Karshe given his extensive criminal history and the opportunistic nature of the burglary attempt. Karshe, who expressed remorse for his actions, acknowledged the impact of his actions on the victim and her family.

This incident serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by individuals dealing with mental health issues, as even a minor criminal offense can have severe repercussions on their well-being. It also underscores the importance of addressing underlying issues such as drug addiction to prevent further criminal behavior and protect the community from such incidents.