Woman 95% covered in tattoos reveals her most painful one yet

Becky Holt, renowned as Britain’s most tattooed woman, proudly displays her striking body art that covers a staggering 95% of her skin, amounting to a £35,000 investment over the years. Despite facing judgement and discrimination due to her tattoos, Becky, 37, remains unapologetic about her appearance and is supported by her 157,000 Instagram followers.

For Becky, the tattoo parlour feels like a second home, with her tattoos spanning from her toes to her forehead. Recently, she revealed her most excruciating tattoo experience yet – an intricate design on her palm. The process, carried out over several sessions due to the intensity of the pain, left Becky describing it as “the worst tattoo I’ve ever had,” particularly agonising around the top of her palm and thumb. Despite the pain, Becky persevered without numbing cream, relying instead on tramadol, a strong painkiller she had from past prescriptions due to her scoliosis-related back pain.

Having received her first tattoo at just 15, Becky expresses no regrets about her extensive tattoo collection but acknowledges a desire to enhance them further. Her ambitious plans include covering up her black and grey sleeve, feeling she has outgrown the design and aiming for more intricate artwork. While reflecting on her palm tattoo as the most painful, Becky hints at future tattoo additions, although she currently plans to refrain from adding more ink to her face.

Sharing her latest palm tattoo on social media, Becky received admiration from followers, with many praising the stunning artwork while acknowledging the intense pain of such a location. Despite her bold choices in tattoos, Becky indicates a willingness to draw a line at facial tattoos for now, preferring to maintain a more restrained approach. However, she leaves open the possibility of facial tattoos in the future, stating, “Who knows, when I’m older and I’ve run out of even more space, I might think, ‘stuff it. I’m gonna get it on my face.’ But there are no plans currently to get any on my face.”

Becky Holt’s story exemplifies a personal journey of self-expression and embracing individuality, despite societal perceptions and challenges. Her resilience and unwavering commitment to her passion for body art inspire many, earning her admiration within the tattoo community and beyond.