Why you should never post picture of your car number plate online

Why Sharing Pictures of Your Car’s Number Plate Online Can Be Risky

A security expert has shed light on the potential dangers of posting photos of your car with its number plate visible on social media. While it may seem harmless since number plates are always visible when driving, private investigator Aaron Bond from Bond Rees Investigations warns against this practice. Here’s why:

“If you are going to put a picture of your car online, you should always obscure the plate,”

says Aaron Bond. Here are the reasons behind his advice:
– Obscuring the number plate can prevent potential criminals from easily accessing your personal information.
– Posting your registration online, along with hashtags, can make you vulnerable to various crimes.
– Criminals can use social media to locate a similar car to yours, copy the registration plates, and potentially engage in illegal activities.
– By sharing pictures of your car online, you inadvertently expose personal details like your name and date of birth, which can be exploited by wrongdoers.
– Criminals could use the information obtained online to impersonate you or commit offenses in your name, leading to legal complications that you would have to resolve.

Though your number plate is visible while driving, it’s much simpler for criminals to search online for specific car models rather than physically scout for them. By using social media hashtags, criminals can quickly identify multiple cars with visible number plates, posing a significant risk. Aaron elaborates:

“Within seconds of searching the hashtag #bmwm3, I can spot multiple cars showing their number plates. If I were a criminal, all I would now need to do is have the same number plate made and attach it to my car that can be used to commit crimes.”

Moreover, any offenses, such as speeding tickets or parking fines, incurred by a cloned car with your plate would be directed to you as the registered keeper. Proving your innocence in such cases can consume significant time and effort. Aaron’s advice is clear – avoid sharing photos of your car online entirely. While showcasing your vehicle may be tempting, it opens a gateway for criminal activities that could have serious repercussions.

By heeding Aaron Bond’s warning and refraining from posting pictures of your car with a visible number plate online, you can safeguard yourself against potential risks and protect your personal information. Stay vigilant and mindful of the information you share on social media to ensure your safety and security.