Wheelchair-bound artist rescued by boat during south Wales floods

Wheelchair-bound artist rescued by boat during south Wales floods

A wheelchair-bound artist, Pete Rumble, was rescued from his studio during a flash flood near Blackpill, Swansea, which caused extensive damage estimated at thousands of pounds. Here are the details of the incident:

  • Pete’s studio was submerged with approximately 45 cm of water within just 30 minutes.
  • Firefighters had to rescue Pete, his sister Suzy, and dog Rufus by boat.
  • The flood damaged Pete’s adapted home studio, including his wheelchair and personal items.

Pete, who is quadriplegic, started painting as a form of physical and mental therapy after losing the use of his legs due to a spinal tumor at the age of 18. Since returning to Swansea in 2018, he has been painting landscapes of the area to make a living.

  • Financial estimates for the damages exceed £10,000, including a damaged wheelchair, rugby wheelchair, and personal belongings.
  • Around 50 of Pete’s paintings, largely commissions, have suffered water damage, but he is hopeful they can be saved.
  • A Crowdfunding page has been set up by his friend to help restore Pete’s studio which requires extensive cleaning, repairs, and furniture replacements.

Despite the challenges faced, Pete has been overwhelmed by the support of his community, family, and friends, especially during a time of personal loss when his father passed away. He highlighted the importance of community spirit in times of hardship and expressed gratitude for the unity and assistance received.

Overall, Pete remains optimistic about recovering from the flood’s aftermath, emphasizing the value of coming together as a community during difficult times.