Weight-loss doctor says five healthy foods cause people to gain weight

A weight-loss doctor has shared insights into how certain healthy foods can lead to weight gain when consumed excessively. Professor Franklin Joseph from Dr Frank’s weight loss clinic emphasised the importance of moderation when incorporating healthy foods into a weight loss diet. While foods like whole grains, nut butters, and avocados offer valuable nutrients such as healthy fats and fibre, overindulging in them can contribute to fat accumulation.

Professor Joseph highlighted the significance of being mindful of added sugars and refined carbohydrates present in some commercial products. He advised people to pay attention to food labels to make informed choices about their dietary intake. Maintaining a balanced diet with a variety of foods from different groups is essential for supplying the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals for optimal health.

The top five healthy foods that can potentially lead to weight gain if consumed excessively include dried fruits, avocados, whole grains, nut butters, and breakfast cereals. Each of these foods offers nutritional benefits but can also be calorie-dense, leading to weight gain if overeaten. For instance, while dried fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, they are also high in natural sugars and calories, making portion control crucial for weight management.

Avocados, despite being a source of healthy fats and antioxidants, have a calorie content that warrants moderation. Similarly, whole grains, nut butters, and breakfast cereals can contribute to an increase in calorie intake if not consumed in appropriate portions. Being mindful of sugar content and overall caloric intake from these foods is essential for successful weight management.

Professor Joseph’s insights serve as a reminder that even healthy foods should be consumed in moderation to support weight loss goals effectively. By making informed choices and practising portion control, individuals can strike a balance between enjoying nutritious foods and achieving their desired weight outcomes.