‘We struggled to conceive for years – and then made a simple lifestyle change’

“We struggled to conceive for years – and then made a simple lifestyle change”

Lee Randall and Emma were surprised when they found out they were expecting a baby, despite years of struggling to conceive. They had used IVF to have their two-year-old daughter, Emily. The unexpected pregnancy of their second daughter this year came as a shock. The only significant change Lee mentioned was their weight. They both joined Slimming World in October 2023 and found out they were pregnant a few months later. Lee expressed his disbelief at the surprise pregnancy, given their previous difficulties, saying, “It was completely unexpected.”

Before Lee’s venture into Slimming World, his job as an electrician kept him on-the-go, leading to frequent consumption of takeaway foods. Skipping breakfast was typical, opting for a quick meal deal or fast food for lunch, followed by a takeaway or oven meal for dinner. However, after starting Slimming World, Lee began preparing meals in advance and eliminating ingredients like butter, cream, and oil. This change in lifestyle was motivated by his desire to keep up with his children, especially Emily and his nine-year-old son Noah from a previous relationship.

The Slimming World diet allowed Lee to enjoy most foods by altering their preparation and cooking methods. He emphasizes that despite his love for food, he did not feel like he was consuming typical “diet food.” His weight loss journey, shedding three and a half stones in about eight months, motivated Lee to become a Slimming World consultant. He will be launching his first group at Glyncoch Community Centre to share his passion for helping others achieve similar success.

Lee’s story serves as a testament to the power of simple lifestyle changes and the impact they can have on unexpected areas of life, such as fertility. His journey from struggling with conception to naturally expecting a child after focusing on his health and well-being is an inspiring reminder of the importance of self-care and healthy habits.