We asked the Welsh Government why NHS waiting lists are still rising in Wales

The Welsh Government has been questioned regarding the continuous rise in NHS waiting lists in Wales. Despite the summer months typically experiencing less demand on services, waiting lists have been steadily increasing. The data shows concerning statistics, such as a 50% rise in the number of people waiting over a year for their first appointment, now totalling 74,000. Furthermore, those waiting over two years for a procedure have seen a continual increase for four months in a row.

The Welsh Government had previously set a target to eliminate all two-year waits for treatment within the NHS in Wales by March 2023. However, the recent data until June 2024 reveals a persisting trend of growing waiting lists during summer. With waits of over a year for appointments rising from 132,000 to 160,000 in the past year, the issue is becoming increasingly pressing.

In response to enquiries about the ongoing rise in waiting lists, a Welsh Government spokeswoman emphasised that reducing waiting times remains a priority. While pointing out that the average wait has been maintained at around 22 weeks for most of this year, efforts are focused on cutting down longer waiting times and eventually eliminating waits exceeding two years. The spokeswoman highlighted the impact of increased healthcare referrals and outlined investments to enhance capacity and reduce waiting times for outpatient appointments and treatments.

Amid comparisons with England’s healthcare system, where two-year waits have been largely eradicated, the Welsh Government defends its funding and efforts to improve NHS services in Wales. Despite the challenges, the Welsh Government aims to improve health board performance rapidly in the coming months. The spokeswoman concluded by underscoring the significant demand for healthcare services in Wales, citing that the NHS caters to around 2 million patients monthly in a population of just over 3 million people.

The persistence of rising NHS waiting lists in Wales prompts further scrutiny of the Welsh Government’s strategies to address the growing demands on healthcare services. The public will be keen to see tangible improvements and a reduction in wait times as efforts continue to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of NHS services across the nation.