Warning that your mattress could cause you persistent health problems

Having a comfortable mattress is crucial for a good night’s sleep, and according to a luxury mattress expert, sticking with your favourite mattress for too long could lead to health problems. Rebecca Swain from WinstonsBed.com warned that not replacing your mattress regularly could result in persistent headaches and other ailments affecting Brits. Typically, mattresses should be replaced every six to eight years, but there are signs indicating the need for a new one sooner.

One significant warning sign is waking up frequently with a headache, which could be due to poor alignment and support during sleep. Insufficient support from an outdated mattress can lead to body aches and pains, especially if these become constant in the mornings. Neglecting to replace your mattress can also worsen allergies, as dust mites and allergens may accumulate over time.

Additionally, feeling your partner’s movements and hearing noisy springs indicate the need for a new mattress. Quality mattresses should reduce motion transfer when one person moves, and noisy or creaky springs suggest a weakening internal structure. Swain advised being attentive to these signs to ensure a restful and healthy sleep.

Health issues related to mattresses are a lesser-known concern that could impact countless individuals. It is essential to be aware of these signs and prioritize mattress replacement for better sleep quality and overall well-being.