Vet shares top 11 dog breeds to adopt – with one ‘dangerous’ and illegal in the UK

A veterinary professional has shared insights on the top 11 dog breeds to consider adopting, bringing attention to one breed that is deemed ‘dangerous’ and illegal in the UK. With over 222 recognised dog breeds in the UK, each possessing unique traits and characteristics, it is crucial for potential dog owners to match their lifestyle with the needs of the breed they choose, particularly in terms of exercise requirements, affection, and space. A Border Collie, for instance, may struggle in a confined space with limited walks as they thrive in open areas where they can expend their boundless energy.

The living environment greatly influences a dog’s behaviour, and with proper care and conditions, any dog has the potential to lead a happy life. Connie, a trainee veterinarian, took to TikTok to share her list of preferred dog breeds, which includes one breed that is banned in the UK. She emphasised that her choices are personal and not recommendations, urging viewers to conduct their own research before selecting a breed.

At the top of Connie’s list is the beloved Golden Retriever, known for their friendly and trainable nature, suitability around other animals, and affection towards children. The Greyhound followed, described by Connie as gentle, good with kids, and surprisingly needing only an hour of exercise per day. The standard poodle was praised for its intelligence and self-awareness, while the boxer was lauded for being sweet-natured and easy-going.

Connie also highlighted the long-haired Chihuahua and the Cane Corso, noting the former’s minimal health issues except for dental concerns, and the latter’s need for extensive training but well worth the effort. Additionally, Connie expressed admiration for the Rottweiler, affectionately labelling them as affectionate companions when raised correctly.

A controversial inclusion on Connie’s list is the American Pit Bull Terrier, a breed banned in the UK since 1991 under the Dangerous Dogs Act due to past fatal attacks. Despite this, Connie commended the breed when raised properly. She also spoke positively of the American Staffordshire Terrier and the American Bulldog, praising their sweet and loving dispositions.

By shedding light on misunderstood dog breeds and sharing her insights, Connie aims to help individuals make informed decisions when choosing a canine companion. Her passion for dogs and commitment to responsible ownership underscore the importance of understanding a breed’s needs and characteristics before bringing a new furry friend into the family.