Vet names dog breeds she’d ‘never own’ – including one she brands ‘neurotic’

Vet Shares Her Thoughts on Dog Breeds She’d Never Own

A vet tech named Connie, who is currently in training to become a veterinarian, recently created a stir online by revealing the dog breeds she would avoid having as pets. In a TikTok video that has garnered over 20 million views, Connie outlined her reasons for steering clear of certain breeds. Here are the breeds she mentioned and her reasons for excluding them from her list:

  • Goldendoodle: Connie expressed strong disapproval for this Golden Retriever and Poodle mix, stating that most Goldendoodles are “neurotic psychopaths” and should not exist due to potential health issues and aggressive behavior.
  • Samoyed: Describing them as high-maintenance “feather dusters that bite,” Connie voiced concerns about the expensive grooming requirements of Samoyeds.
  • Japanese Shiba Inu: Connie labeled this breed as dramatic and unfriendly towards strangers, which contributed to her decision to avoid owning one.
  • Beagle: Known for their incessant barking and health issues such as obesity and diabetes, Beagles were another breed Connie chose to steer clear of.
  • Mini Poodle: Despite their charm, mini poodles made it onto Connie’s list due to their frequent stomach issues and the need for costly special diets.
  • Great Dane: Connie expressed her love for Great Danes but was deterred by their fearful nature despite their large size.
  • Basset Hound: Connie highlighted the numerous health issues Basset Hounds face due to their skin folds and anal glands, referring to them as “smelly walking infections.”
  • French Bulldog: She criticized French Bulldogs for their common health problems and the need for surgeries, labelling them as poorly bred.
  • Corgi: Despite being a favorite of the late Queen of England, Connie warned of Corgis’ back issues, dental problems, and behavioral challenges, referring to them as “land sharks.”
  • German Shepherd: While she admired German Shepherds, Connie acknowledged that their high attention needs make them unsuitable for her home.

Moreover, Connie mentioned her reservations about small breeds like Pugs and Westies due to health issues, her reluctance to own a Husky in warm climates, and her negative experiences with Chinese Chow Chows. Many viewers resonated with Connie’s assessments, sharing their own anecdotes and agreeing with her views. Whether you agree or disagree with her opinions, Connie’s insights have sparked a conversation about responsible dog ownership and breed-specific considerations.