‘Very seriously underfed’ girl removed from her mum’s care

A young girl has been removed from her mother’s care in Wales following concerning allegations of underfeeding. The heartbreaking situation unfolded in a Cardiff family court hearing, where the mother faced accusations of failing to properly nourish her five-year-old child. The judge in the case, Mrs Justice Morgan, described it as “a most unusual case” with a history of serious concerns.

The distressing details revealed that the girl was previously taken into the care of Vale of Glamorgan Council as a baby due to reported issues with feeding. Since being placed in the care of her father, the child has reportedly thrived. Mrs Justice Morgan referenced a judgment that upheld serious allegations against the mother, including claims that the baby had been “very seriously underfed indeed”.

During the hearing, emotions ran high as the mother vehemently denied the accusations, shouting at the judge and insisting she had evidence to disprove the claims. Despite her outbursts, the judge continued to outline the series of events that led to the current situation, highlighting a turbulent history between the mother and the council.

The mother’s solicitor, Rachel Vickers, expressed the mother’s deep concern over missing crucial time with her daughter and emphasised the positive communication between the father and the mother regarding the child’s well-being. The mother is seeking permission to apply for contact with her daughter, hoping to play a more active role in her life.

As the hearing progressed, Mrs Justice Morgan raised issues with the council’s failure to provide necessary documents to the solicitor, affecting the mother’s ability to fully understand the proceedings. The judge directed that the documents be shared with the solicitor and adjourned the case for further review.

The complex family dynamics and emotional toll of the situation underscore the challenges faced by all parties involved. The future of the mother’s relationship with her daughter remains uncertain as legal proceedings continue to unfold.