Urgent advice for recently divorced parents as school starts again

Urgent Advice for Divorced Parents as School Resumes

Recently divorced parents are reminded to ensure all legalities are in order as their children go back to school. Here are crucial considerations to prevent future conflicts:

  • Approximately 3.18 million UK families are led by a single parent.
  • Divorces tend to peak in August after summer holidays.

“Legal Director at Rayden Solicitors, Jennifer Moore, emphasizes the importance of addressing legal matters for separated parents.”

  1. Implementation of Custody Agreements: Align custody arrangements with the updated school schedule, as major changes may need court approval.
  2. Access to School Records: Both parents have the right to access educational records; provide schools with correct contact details for both parents.
  3. Updating Emergency Contact Information: Ensure emergency contacts are up to date to avoid delays in urgent situations.
  4. Aligning Financial Responsibilities: Clarify financial obligations for school-related expenses in custody and financial arrangements.

These steps can help divorced parents navigate challenges seamlessly and prioritize their child’s well-being and education.