University lecturer confessed to wife he had kissed 15-year-old girl

A university lecturer being investigated for inappropriate relationships with students confessed to his wife that he had kissed a 15-year-old. Steven Stanley, 46, a former lecturer at Cardiff University, confessed to grooming his victim on social media during the mid-2000s. He met the girl online and arranged to meet her in Bute Park, where he kissed her on the mouth before taking her back to his flat. Stanley’s actions came to light when his wife, who called him a “predator and a paedophile,” contacted the police.

Stanley admitted to meeting the girl online and taking her to his flat but denied grooming her. The victim, who was visibly shaken upon hearing Stanley’s name, described feeling uncomfortable during their encounter. She mentioned feeling uneasy when Stanley kissed her and played his guitar for her in an attempt to make her feel at ease. The victim, who messaged Stanley a decade later seeking closure, described the experience as “sensual” but uncomfortable.

At his sentencing hearing at Newport Crown Court, Stanley pleaded guilty to causing/inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. The court heard that the victim, who was vulnerable and going through a difficult time, suffered lifelong behavioural issues as a result of the incident. In a victim personal statement, she expressed the emotional damage and lifelong battle she faces due to the encounter.

In mitigation, Stanley’s lawyer highlighted his client’s remorse and the impact the incident had on his career. The judge, Daniel Williams, condemned Stanley’s actions, noting how he had used his status as a university lecturer to groom the victim. Stanley was sentenced to a 24-month community order with unpaid work, a rehabilitation activity requirement, and made subject to various orders including a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and a restraining order.

The victim emphasised the vulnerability of young people and the lasting impact of such predatory behaviour. She expressed her ongoing battle with mental health issues and the difficulty of trusting others. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the need to protect vulnerable individuals from exploitation and abuse, particularly by those in positions of authority and trust. The victim’s courage in speaking out highlights the importance of holding perpetrators accountable for their actions to prevent further harm and promote justice and safeguarding for all.