UK tourists may be barred from Greek island by strict new rules

**UK Tourists Facing Potential Travel Restrictions on Greek Island**

UK tourists may soon encounter obstacles when visiting a popular Greek island due to proposed strict regulations aimed at reducing the number of visitors. Santorini, a sought-after destination for British holidaymakers, is considering new rules that could impact the accessibility and affordability of holidays on the island. The draft legislation put forward by Santorini’s authorities includes stringent building constraints for hotels and short-term rentals. The proposed law aims to prohibit new construction projects, such as the establishment of new hotels, building extensions, and swimming pools, in a bid to preserve the island’s natural landscape.

Nikos Zorzos, the mayor of Santorini, highlighted the necessity of limiting construction activities on the island to ensure sustainable growth. With only 25,000 permanent residents, Santorini welcomed 3.2 million tourists in 2023, raising concerns about the island’s capacity to support increasing infrastructure demands. The mayor emphasised the importance of addressing essential services like water and electricity, which could be strained by unchecked development.

Moreover, safety concerns have been raised regarding Santorini’s geological stability, following a landslide incident earlier this year that drew attention to the fragility of the island’s terrain, particularly the caldera’s slopes. Efforts are underway to assess the structural integrity of businesses operating within the caldera, with a requirement for adequacy studies to be conducted within a specified timeframe. Local planning authorities are expected to scrutinise existing building permits within the designated zone to ensure compliance with the new regulations.

In conjunction with the proposed legislation for Santorini, plans are in motion to limit the influx of cruise ships to the island, alongside another popular destination, Mykonos. This initiative comes amid efforts to manage the impact of mass tourism on the region, with the Greek National Tourism Organisation reporting a significant increase in cruise ship arrivals in Greece and its islands. By imposing restrictions on new construction and regulating tourism activities, Santorini aims to strike a balance between preserving its natural beauty and catering to sustainable visitor numbers.

As discussions continue on the impending legislation, UK travellers planning trips to Santorini may need to consider the potential implications of these new rules on their holiday experiences. The evolving restrictions signify a shift towards responsible tourism practices and sustainable development in a bid to protect the unique charm and environmental heritage of this idyllic Greek island.