Top Cardiff chef woke to burglar raiding his house then detained him for ‘awkward’ 20 minutes

Renowned Cardiff chef, Lee Skeet, found himself in a peculiar situation as he woke up to a burglar rummaging through his belongings in his Pontcanna residence. The incident unfolded at 6 am when Lee heard someone descending the stairs in his house, only to realise he was supposed to be alone at home. After waiting to ensure the coast was clear, Lee ventured downstairs to discover his front door ajar and approximately £400 missing from his kitchen. Recounting the unsettling experience on August 12, Lee described the moment of realisation, stating, “You know when you wake up and it takes a second to get your bearings?”

Determined to confront the intruder, Lee spotted the burglar down the alley at Dogo Street and decided to follow him. Upon approaching the individual, Lee recounted exercising caution due to uncertainties about the burglar possessing a weapon. The encounter culminated in Lee engaging the intruder, who claimed to reside in the vicinity but was promptly challenged by Lee about his recent presence in Lee’s house. The situation attracted the attention of neighbours, leading to a police intervention. Reflecting on the incident, Lee admitted to feeling sympathy towards the intruder despite the violation he had experienced.

Subsequently, six police officers arrived at the scene, arresting the individual identified as Shaun Powell from Bristol. Facing charges of burglary, Powell appeared before Cardiff Magistrates’ Court on August 13 and was remanded in custody. On September 13, Powell pleaded guilty to the charges, with his sentencing scheduled for September 20. The episode serves as a testament to Lee’s composure, attributed to his mixed martial arts training, which enabled him to handle the situation deftly.

Lee’s decision to uphold restraint and await the authorities rather than resorting to violence underscores the significance of anger management and martial arts discipline. Emphasising the impact of his MMA training on his confidence, Lee highlighted the efficacy of such practices in instilling self-assurance. The incident, though unsettling, ultimately resulted in the apprehension of the burglar and serves as a testament to Lee’s resilience in the face of adversity.