Today, non-essential aisles in supermarkets are able to reopen as well as garden centers.

22nd of March 2021, this marks the reopening of non-essential aisles in already open shops like supermarkets are able to reopen as well as garden centers across Wales

But shops that only sell non-essential items will remain closed until 12 April.

Garden centers are also once again allowed to reopen their doors to customers

All shops must adhere to strict Covid protocols.

These are the latest restrictions to be lifted across Wales as coronavirus case rate has fallen below 50 per 100,000 people and the national Covid positivity rate is below 5% both under the lock down threshold.

All primary and some secondary school children have now returned to the classroom while four people from two different households can now meet outdoors, including in gardens, as the stay-at-home rule was relaxed to a stay local one.

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