Tim Spector says ‘incredible’ fruit can slash cholesterol and protect heart

Health expert Tim Spector has highlighted a delicious fruit that offers a range of health benefits, including lowering cholesterol and safeguarding the heart. Professor Spector, the founder of ZOE Health, advocated incorporating more tomatoes into one’s diet during a recent online post. He noted that tomatoes can potentially reduce the risk of stroke and promote healthy skin. Speaking on Instagram, the epidemiologist shared insights on maximising the benefits of tomatoes, stating, “Tomatoes…packed with the polyphenol called lycopene which can help to lower cholesterol, support your heart health, reduce your risk of strokes and even improve your skin.”

For optimal results, Tim recommended consuming tomatoes with olive oil. According to him, a study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2001 demonstrated that daily consumption of 40 grams of tomato paste with 10 grams of olive oil reduced the risk of sunburn by 40%. Another study in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition in 2019 revealed that a high lycopene intake from tomatoes could significantly decrease the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease, and mortality. Tim emphasised that tinned tomatoes, surprisingly, contain more lycopene than fresh ones and should not be overlooked.

Tim Spector’s advice sheds light on the versatility of tomatoes as a potent health booster, especially when paired with olive oil. By incorporating this fruit into your diet, you can potentially enhance your overall health and well-being.