‘The 20mph speed limit saved my daughter’s life’

A mother in Wales shares a harrowing experience where a 20mph speed limit potentially saved her daughter’s life. Five-year-old Nanw Wyn Jones was hit by a car while walking in her village with her grandmother. The incident resulted in Nanw suffering a fractured skull and concussion. Her mother, Ffion, was relieved that Nanw was alert and responsive after the accident.

Nanw was airlifted to the hospital, where she stayed for three days before being able to return home. Ffion attributes the 20mph speed limit, which was recently imposed in the area, to potentially mitigating the severity of her daughter’s injuries. She emphasises the importance of adhering to the speed limit and advocates for additional traffic calming measures to enforce compliance.

Despite the controversy surrounding the 20mph law in Wales, with a significant petition against it, Ffion praises its effectiveness in this particular incident. She highlights that if the driver had been travelling at 30mph, the outcome could have been far worse for Nanw. Data shows a decrease in casualties on 20mph and 30mph roads in the region, further supporting the benefits of the lower speed limit.

To ensure the safety of other children in the village, Ffion has initiated a petition urging Gwynedd council to implement traffic calming measures and install a zebra crossing at the accident site. She stresses the need for such enhancements, particularly on straight roads where drivers tend to speed. The council has acknowledged the incident and is considering potential measures to endorse the 20mph speed restriction.

Ffion’s advocacy for road safety resonates with her community and underscores the life-saving potential of reduced speed limits. As she continues her campaign for safer roads, her daughter Nanw’s recovery serves as a poignant reminder of the critical impact of responsible driving practices and road regulations.