We should also be washing our clothes differently as drought nears in Wales, Natural Resource Wales says,

Natural Resources Wales has called on people to take shorter showers and re-use their washing up water in their garden to conserve water as supplies run low.
Tracey Dunford, a lead specialist advisor for water resources told Wales Online, about the current high drought risk in Wales, whether we’ll see more water-saving measures and if the people of Wales should be worried about water resources as the warm weather continues.
Last week, it was announced that a hosepipe ban would be implemented in Pembrokeshire and parts of Carmarthenshire later in August. This means that residents in parts of these counties cannot use water to water their garden, fill paddling pools or wash their cars. You can find out more about this restriction here.
The draught risk in Wales
Natural Resources of Wales has currently only declared ‘long dry weather’ status in Wales rather than ‘drought’ just yet, according to Ms Dunford.
Natural Resources Wales is responsible for ensuring proper use of water resources in Wales and for making sure there is enough water for all needs, including environmental needs.
During a drought therefore, NRW would monitor and report on environmental impacts and monitor water companies’ actions to confirm that they are respecting their drought plans. The advisor said: “Drought would be next stage but we’ve not actually declared draught as of yet.

“It’s worth noting as well that caveat to that, water companies will be monitoring their sources and have different stages – so you might see a part of Wales declared in draught for supplies, while it would be another situation in another part of Wales. At the moment, we are just declaring it as long dry weather here in Wales.”
According to Ms Dunford, between March and July this year Wales only had 61% of the rainfall it was expected to have in that period. To put that into context, over the previous century the only equivalent to this period would be 1976 and 1984. In other words, Wales has experienced its third driest few months in the last 120 years.
Water-saving measures
With Wales facing one of its driest periods, you may be asking what is being done about it? According to Ms Dunford, Natural Resources Wales continues to monitor what’s happening across rivers, waters and land.
Such dry weather, however, has had a major impact on various aspects of life here in Wales. And with news that temperatures are set to rise in the next coming week, with maximum temperature forecast to reach 34°C in some areas, Ms Dunford believes that everyone in Wales – not just those living in areas where the use of a hosepipe will be banned – can do their bit to help us from reaching a drought in Wales.
“You may have noticed we had a bit of rain at the beginning of August,” she explained. “Some of the rivers are above normal than usual this time of year, and you may have noticed some flood alerts in north Wales. But of course, now with the forecast of dry weather again, they are likely to recede.
“We are seeing very low flows and dry rivers in other parts of Wales, particularly in the south-east of Wales in the Wye and the Usk. In terms of rivers, we are seeing the lowest flows on records. That as a result brings concerns for fish and fisheries, and that will happen on a catchment on catchment basis. Recently, we had concerns about the fisheries in the River Wye and River Dee. If the warm weather starts to continue, we will have concerns about the fisheries once more.

“And then, the land is quite dry. It has been really dry for the last five months and we are starting to get increasing concerns for farmers and fire risks once more. Now, we are asking people on land not to light fires and consider not lighting barbecues because of that fire risk. And that farming community will be communicating with NFW about their concerns because a lot of grass hasn’t grown, a lot of crops haven’t grown and supplies are a concern.
“Of course, Welsh Water has communicated recently about its concerns in Pembrokeshire and its water supplies over there. But across the whole of Wales, water companies will be monitoring the situation closely. The key message at the moment is for people to use water wisely wherever they are in Wales and follow the advice of Welsh Water in particularly in Pembrokeshire when they impose the hosepipe ban.”

She added: “At the moment, with the pressures on water resources and with the recent forecast, we would be encouraging people to use water wisely through the whole of Wales, even if there isn’t a hosepipe ban in place. If you’re going to water your garden, please use other water resources such as your washing up water. If you’re using water for a paddling pool, make sure you use that water then in another way, such as to water your garden afterwards.
“People can help the situation by reducing the amount of time they take in the shower, for example – the four minute shower. They may want to switch to water efficiency fittings, if they haven’t already. If you contact your local water company, they have a lot of water saving advice in the homes and in the gardens, you can apply for kits that can help you with water efficiencies, or indeed putting your washing machines on a lower cycle that uses less water.
“And then, watering your plant first thing in the morning or the last thing at night, not in the middle of the day where the water might be evaporated off. There are so many handy tips from Welsh Water and Water Wise – they are simple to do and will save water, not just now but for the future. It will also save money as well.”
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Should we be worried?

Alongside the Welsh Government and other water organisations, Natural Resources Wales is looking at ways of implementing more policies and measures to save water. One measure that could be out in place, according to Ms Dunford, is to provide more information to people so that they have more knowledge on the type of goods that they are buying and how this impacts water supplies. SIMILAR ARTICLES TO THIS Powered b
According to her, future water supply is a matter of concern for everyone. She said: “With climate change, we are going to have to look at water availability. In the UK, we are going to see drier summers, wetter winters and we need people to use water wisely.
“People need to be concerned about long-term water use and about raising population reducing water availability and putting pressure on our water resources. Individuals can do their bit now and for the future.”