Stormzy, the renowned rapper, whose real name is Michael Ebenazer Owuo Junior, has been handed a driving ban for nine months following an incident where he was caught using a mobile phone while behind the wheel of a Rolls-Royce in west London. The 31-year-old musician pleaded guilty to the offence via a letter in relation to driving the Rolls-Royce Wraith while using his device on Addison Road in west Kensington at around 3.30 pm on March 7, 2024. The prosecution revealed that an undercover police officer approached Stormzy’s “tinted” passenger window and instructed him to “get rid of your tints and get off your phone”, as heard at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court during the recent proceedings.
It came to light that prior to this incident, Stormzy had already admitted to driving a Lamborghini Urus with front windows tinted at only 4% light transmission, significantly lower than the mandated 70%. The prosecutor, Alice Holloway, emphasised that the use of such a vehicle with heavily tinted windows was not only illegal but also posed a danger to vulnerable road users. Stormzy had been stopped by officers on Coombe Lane in Kingston upon Thames around 12.45 pm on October 17, 2023, after having been previously warned about the illegal tint on the windows of his vehicle. At the time of the recent court hearing, Stormzy had accumulated six points on his driving licence.
District Judge Andrew Sweet, while passing the sentence in Stormzy’s absence, remarked on the musician’s substandard driving record and pointed out his actions as “dangerous and irresponsible.” The judge imposed a nine-month driving ban on Stormzy along with a fine of £2,010. Furthermore, Peter Csemiczky, representing Stormzy in court, conveyed the musician’s acceptance of responsibility and issued an apology on his behalf. Csemiczky also confirmed that Stormzy had taken corrective action by removing the tints from his vehicle, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.
This recent development in Stormzy’s legal proceedings has brought to light the importance of adhering to road safety regulations and the consequences of flouting them. The judge’s firm stance on Stormzy’s actions sets a precedent for responsible driving behaviour, particularly for public figures whose actions may influence others. It serves as a reminder that no one is above the law, regardless of their status or occupation. Stormzy’s willingness to accept the consequences of his actions and make amends sends a positive message about being accountable for one’s mistakes and taking steps towards rectifying them.
The incident involving Stormzy serves as a cautionary tale for all motorists to refrain from using mobile phones while driving and to ensure compliance with vehicle regulations to maintain road safety. By highlighting the legal ramifications of such actions, this case reinforces the importance of responsible driving practices and upholding traffic laws. As Stormzy faces the repercussions of his actions, this serves as a lesson for everyone on the road to prioritise safety and adhere to the laws governing driving conduct. The outcome of this case underscores the significance of accountability and the need to respect road safety measures for the well-being of all road users.