Sports field changing room expansion approved despite open space access concerns

Plans to expand changing rooms and install fencing at the Mountain Hare rugby and football fields in Pantyffyn Road, Merthyr Tydfil have been approved by the local council’s planning committee, despite concerns raised by residents about access to open spaces. The proposal includes extending the existing changing rooms to include a gym and ladies’ changing facilities, as well as erecting a new boundary fence for the lower pitch and high ball fencing.

Councillor David Jones raised concerns about the impact of the project on local residents’ use of the recreational area, prompting 16 letters of objection to be sent to the council. Residents noted the limited open and accessible space available, with fears that the fencing would restrict public access to the fields, which are currently used for various recreational activities like exercise, dog walking, and children’s play.

Residents also voiced worries about increased traffic, loss of views, impact on property values, and safety concerns related to parking and emergency vehicle access. However, council planning officers recommended approving the application, stating that the improvements would enhance the open space and that most of the area would still be accessible to the public.

While concerns were raised about potential impacts on property values and views, planning officers deemed these to be outside the scope of planning considerations. They also clarified that the proposal would not affect existing car parking areas and that additional facilities, such as a gym, would be for club members only, with no expected increase in parking demand during training sessions or matches.

The site falls within an area identified as high risk due to past coal mining activities, but a coal mining risk assessment concluded that the proposed development would not be impacted by historical coal mining in the area. Councillor John Thomas acknowledged parking issues but emphasized the importance of supporting clubs that take over maintaining the fields.

In summary, the approval of the changing room expansion at the Mountain Hare sports fields aims to provide improved facilities for club members while retaining public access to the majority of the open space. Despite initial concerns, the project moves forward with the potential to enhance recreational facilities in the area.