Spider mating season is bringing eight-legged creatures into our homes but one 14p item can help

Spider mating season is upon us, bringing eight-legged creatures into our homes. However, one simple 14p item can help keep them at bay. As we enter spider season, which typically lasts until October, it is the time of year when spiders mate, leading to an increase in their presence indoors. Paul Strong, of kitchens retailer Magnet Trade, advises that spiders are commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms as they require moisture to survive, as reported by the Express.

According to Mr. Strong, a cost-effective method to deter spiders is to use lemon peels, which can be purchased for as little as 14p. By rubbing lemon peels on windowsills, skirting boards, and other areas where spiders tend to linger, the strong citrus scent acts as a natural repellent, giving your home a fresh fragrance. This approach is not only budget-friendly but also avoids chemical-laden commercial repellents, which can cost between £5 and £11.

For those seeking alternative natural repellents, essential oils mixed with water in a spray bottle can be effective. Approximately 20 drops of oils such as tea tree, lavender, peppermint, citrus, or cinnamon can be sprayed in corners or damp areas that attract spiders. The potent scent of cinnamon, in particular, is known to deter spiders. Placing cinnamon sticks around the house or using a cinnamon-scented candle can also help in keeping spiders away.

Taking a proactive approach to spider prevention can create a pleasant living environment without the need for expensive repellents. By utilising these simple and cost-effective methods, you can bid farewell to unwanted arachnid visitors during spider season, ensuring a more spider-friendly home environment.