Senior Welsh Tory says ‘the Welsh public are inherently conservative’

The Conservative Party is convening for its conference in the wake of a challenging general election loss. In Wales, the party suffered a complete loss of representation and is now searching for new leadership. Ahead of delivering his speech, Welsh Conservative group leader Andrew RT Davies expressed the need for his party to apologise to the Welsh people but identified them as “inherently conservative.” According to Mr Davies, if the Conservative Party realigns with its core values, it can regain the support of the Welsh public.

During his address at the conference, Mr Davies emphasised that the party must acknowledge its failure to fulfil promises regarding immigration. He highlighted the Welsh public’s inherently conservative nature and underscored the importance of the party returning to its fundamental principles to win back their support. Mr Davies criticised the party’s previous stance on the economy, describing it as ideological and off-putting to many in Wales. He stressed the necessity of addressing economic inequalities and praised pragmatic approaches such as the furlough scheme.

Pointing to the impact of globalisation on Welsh communities, Mr Davies suggested that mass migration has negatively affected the economy, industries, and cultural identity. He advocated for a zero-tolerance approach towards illegal migration, calling for swift deportations of those residing unlawfully in the country. Mr Davies criticised Labour’s handling of economic and nationalist issues in Wales, as well as Plaid Cymru’s separatist agenda. He also condemned the opportunism of the Liberal Democrats and Reform Party.

In a statement preceding the conference, Mr Davies called for a transformation within the Conservative Party. He acknowledged the need to apologise for failing to uphold promises and urged a shift towards a more pragmatic economic approach. He highlighted the importance of protecting Welsh industries and communities in the face of global pressures. Mr Davies warned that the party’s future success hinges on embracing change and reconnecting with conservative values.

As the Conservative Party strategises for the future and works towards rebuilding trust with the Welsh electorate, the discourse surrounding economic policies and immigration remains central to their agenda. The party’s endeavours to address these issues and realign with the values of the Welsh public will likely shape its trajectory in the upcoming years.