Senedd member broke code of conduct over how she described Wales’ 20mph speed limit

A Senedd member in Wales has been reprimanded for referring to the 20mph speed limit as a “blanket ban,” despite being advised against using that term by a committee. Natasha Asghar, a Conservative Senedd member representing the South Wales East region, serves on the standards committee in the Senedd. She had to recuse herself from the committee due to her membership and had previously participated in discussions regarding the term “blanket,” being well aware of the issues surrounding its use.

Following a report stating that describing the speed limit as a “blanket” was imprecise and inaccurate, all members were reminded to uphold high standards in public debates, whether on social media or elsewhere. A complaint was filed against Asghar for using the term during a plenary session in March 2024. The Senedd’s Standards Commissioner, Douglas Bain, found that Asghar’s use of the term breached rules on truthfulness and not bringing the Senedd into disrepute.

Despite being given the opportunity to explain her case, Asghar did not address the committee in person but provided a written explanation. The committee concluded that she had breached several rules of the code of conduct, including the requirement to maintain high standards, act truthfully, and avoid behaviors that could discredit the Senedd or its members. As a result, Asghar is facing censure for her actions.

The report emphasised the importance of integrity and leadership among Senedd members, especially in the age of social media, where communication and debate are common but can also pose challenges. Members were reminded to exercise caution in their social media use to uphold leadership principles effectively. Asghar has been asked to respond to the findings.