Row Between Factory and Zoo Over Claims Smoky Emissions are ‘Choking’ Visitors
A conflict has arisen between Halen Môn’s smokery and Anglesey Sea Zoo regarding the smokery’s emissions affecting visitors. Here are the key points of the row:
– Anglesey Sea Zoo states that smokery smoke seeps into the attraction, necessitating closed doors and windows when the wind blows smoke towards the area.
– Despite council experts confirming the smokery’s compliance with safety standards, the sea zoo insists that visitors are being negatively impacted by the smoke.
– Halen Môn expresses concern for staff and environmental welfare, emphasizing their commitment to responsible business practices.
– A year-long study by Anglesey Council found the smokery’s emissions compliant with Wales’ air quality standards.
Owner Frankie Hobro describes the smoke as “horrible,” causing discomfort to both staff and visitors at the sea zoo. She emphasizes the need for a resolution to the ongoing issue.
In response, Halen Môn underscores their adherence to regulations and independent daily monitoring by Anglesey Council. The smokery’s expansion in 2008 aimed to enhance their product range, including oak-smoked items like sugar and condiments.
The conflict escalated when the sea zoo raised concerns about smoke affecting the locality. While the council’s study found no significant problems, Frankie Hobro insists that the issue persists daily.
In conclusion, the dispute between the smokery and the zoo highlights the challenges of balancing industrial activities with environmental and community concerns. Discussions between the parties continue as they navigate towards a resolution.