A tragic incident occurred at London Underground’s Stratford station, where a passenger lost their life after falling onto the tracks and being run over by four trains, as detailed in a report released by the Rail Accident Investigation Branch. The unsettling incident unfolded when the passenger disembarked from a Jubilee Line train around 1:57pm on Boxing Day 2023 and sat on a platform bench. Later, at approximately 2:45pm, the individual stood up, stumbled, and fell onto the adjacent track, where they remained unnoticed for around 5 minutes before the first train struck them.
The report specified that even as the first train stopped normally in the platform after hitting the passenger, the presence of the individual went unnoticed by the following three inbound trains. Shockingly, the fourth train also ran over the passenger, despite a customer service assistant being aware that the person was on the tracks. Tragically, the passenger sustained fatal injuries as a result of the incident. It was noted that the fall occurred when no other passengers or staff were present on the platform, and no action was taken to prevent the first train from arriving.
Investigations by the RAIB revealed that the operator of the first train may have failed to spot the passenger due to reduced attention levels caused by automatic train operation. The operator possibly faced distractions from another individual on the platform, leading to the tragic oversight. Moreover, the subsequent train operators also failed to identify the person on the tracks, exacerbating the severity of the incident. The report highlighted the risks associated with diminished vigilance and potential distractions faced by train operators, especially in scenarios involving automatic train operation.
London Underground Limited had evaluated the risk of such accidents at Stratford station; however, the implemented risk controls proved inadequate in preventing this tragic event. Consequently, the RAIB has made two recommendations to London Underground Limited. The suggestions include considering technology for detecting passengers in unsafe positions and reviewing factors affecting train operators’ attention levels during automatic train operation. Additionally, emphasising the importance of safety-critical communication for incident reporting and response has been identified as a crucial learning point.
The RAIB’s findings underline the critical need for enhanced safety measures and heightened vigilance among train operators to avert such catastrophic incidents in the future. The potential risks associated with repetitive tasks and distractions during automatic train operation highlight the necessity for continual vigilance and improved safety protocols. The tragic loss of life at Stratford station serves as a sombre reminder of the vital importance of ensuring passenger safety and preventing avoidable accidents on public transport networks.
This unfortunate incident underscores the significance of robust safety protocols and ongoing training for transport staff to uphold passenger safety as a top priority. Enhancing technology and operational procedures to minimise risks and improve response mechanisms is imperative to prevent such devastating occurrences and ensure the well-being of all passengers using public transportation systems. The lessons learned from this incident must drive proactive changes to safeguard passengers and prevent similar tragedies from recurring in the future.