Putting children in care’s belongings in bin bags ‘categorically not okay’

A Welsh council official has strongly denounced the practice of children in care having to transport their personal items in bin bags during a house move, stating categorically that it is unacceptable. Sarah Skuse, the operational manager for assessment and care planning at Cardiff Council, made these remarks in response to a recent BBC report revealing that some children and young care-leavers in parts of Wales had been subjected to this demeaning practice, causing additional distress during their time in the care system.

During a children and young people scrutiny committee meeting, Councillor Sian-Elin Melbourne enquired whether Cardiff was participating in the National Youth Advocacy Service’s (NYAS) campaign to eradicate this practice. Ms Skuse assured that every young person had access to a bag or holdall for moving their belongings and emphasised that using bin bags was not acceptable. She mentioned that council offices had collections of holdalls available for social workers to provide to children who needed them.

Cardiff Council became the 50th local authority in England and Wales to join NYAS’ campaign this year, with nine out of 22 Welsh councils also signing up. The ‘Many Things Matter’ campaign, launched in 2022, aims to ensure that children and young people in care are treated with dignity and respect during house moves. Cardiff Council’s commitment to the campaign was confirmed by Councillor Ash Lister, who highlighted the importance of supporting young people during what can be a stressful transition.

In a statement on NYAS’s website, Councillor Lister emphasised the council’s dedication to making house moves for children in care a smooth and dignified process. He stressed the significance of ensuring that young people feel valued and respected, especially considering any past adversities they may have faced. Cardiff’s ambition to become a UNICEF UK Child Friendly City aligns with this commitment to providing the best support for children and young people in care.

The efforts to end the practice of using bin bags for children’s belongings during house moves reflect a broader movement towards ensuring the welfare and dignity of young people in care. By actively participating in campaigns like NYAS’ ‘Many Things Matter’, local authorities across England and Wales are taking steps to improve the experiences of children and young care-leavers, fostering a culture of respect and support within the care system.