Prove whether your dog really loves you with easy six-second experiment

A new study suggests a simple test could show whether your dog truly loves you. Dog owners often express their affection for their pets, despite the verbal communication barrier. Dogs, however, have subtle ways of showing their bond. The Kennel Club indicates that dogs might yawn when their owners do, a behaviour observed in both humans and certain animals.

Dr. Brian Hare, from Duke University, believes yawning together could indicate emotional connection. A research team at the University of Tokyo found that over half of the dogs studied yawned after seeing their owners do the same, suggesting a potential emotional link. When the dogs observed a stranger yawning, they responded with yawns less frequently, reinforcing the special bond dogs have with their owners.

Dog owners can test this theory by yawning in front of their pets to see if the dogs yawn in return. Some Reddit users have shared their experiences, with one mentioning how their dog reciprocated calming signals like yawning and slow blinks. Spending quality time with dogs is a key way to show love, according to Dr. James Greenwood, a resident vet on ITV’s The Pet Show. Daily walks, mental stimulation through puzzles, and teaching dogs independence are also recommended ways to strengthen the human-dog bond.

This fascinating study sheds light on the emotional connection between dogs and their owners, providing a new perspective on the unique bond shared between humans and their loyal canine companions.