Police visit art gallery after complaints about ‘pornographic’ painting in window

Police Visit Art Gallery Following Complaints About ‘Pornographic’ Painting in Window

A painting by 22-year-old student Poppy Baynham has stirred controversy in Hay-on-Wye, leading to local police officers’ visit to The Chair gallery. The artwork depicts a woman in cowboy boots with exposed pink wool instead of genitals, prompting two complaints that resulted in police warning the gallery owner of a potential public order offence. Despite the visit, gallery owner Val Harris chose to support the artist by keeping the painting on display, citing previous instances of nudity in the gallery that had not caused issues.

Val Harris explained that objections to the painting were unexpected, as the gallery had displayed similar content for 25 years without incident. The piece, part of an exhibition named ‘It’s Party Time’, features elements of the female body wearing cowboy boots, reflecting Poppy’s artistic style. The controversy sparked when a local resident deemed the painting as pornography and demanded its removal, setting off a debate within the community.

In response to the backlash, Poppy defended her artwork on The Chair’s Instagram page, expressing her intention to normalise non-sexual body parts through her paintings. She questioned the societal perception of nudity in art and emphasised her commitment to her artistic vision. The gallery provided a book for visitors to share their opinions, revealing a mixed response to the contentious painting.

A spokesperson for Dyfed-Powys Police confirmed awareness of the situation and stated that the neighbourhood policing team was monitoring developments. Both Poppy Baynham and Val Harris stand firm in their decision to uphold artistic expression and resist calls for censorship. The incident has ignited a dialogue on art, censorship, and public perception within the Hay-on-Wye community.