Personal trainer shares simple reason why eating carbs won’t make you fat

A personal trainer has shared a simple reason why eating carbs won’t make you fat. Nathan Joseph, known for his informative content on nutrition, recently posted a video that challenges the common belief that cutting down on carbohydrates is essential for weight loss. In the video, he demonstrated that consuming 250g of carbs can result in a 1kg weight gain. However, Joseph clarifies that this weight gain is due to water retention from glycogen stored in the body, not fat accumulation. To gain 1kg of fat, one would need to consume 7,700 calories above their maintenance level.

Joseph emphasised that the body eventually flushes out the excess water, returning to its normal weight. He advised viewers to consider this when weighing themselves after consuming carbs, as factors other than food intake can impact weight fluctuation. Since sharing this revelation, Joseph’s followers have praised him for providing a better understanding of nutrition. One individual expressed gratitude, stating, “Brilliant explanation. Thank you.” Another viewer shared relief, highlighting how the information helped alleviate guilt around consuming certain foods.

Nathan’s video has received over 5,000 likes, with many commending his clarity in explaining the science behind carb consumption and weight fluctuations. His followers appreciate the insight into how the body processes carbohydrates and dispelling myths about their role in weight management. This revelation challenges conventional dieting advice and encourages a more nuanced understanding of nutrition and its effects on the body.