People ‘never want to bowl again’ after realising exactly how dirty bowling balls are

A viral video on TikTok has left many people reconsidering their love for bowling after exposing the shocking levels of bacteria found on bowling balls. In the video, a social media user conducted an experiment using two Petri dishes labelled ‘outside bowling ball’ and ‘holes’. Swabbing the lids with cotton buds and incubating them in a fridge revealed a significant amount of germs. The user described the sample from the holes as “just a blanket of growth”, prompting exclamations of alarm. While some viewers were taken aback by the findings, others were unfazed, pointing out that germs are a part of life.

The video sparked a wave of reactions, with many expressing horror at the germ levels present on bowling balls. Some even noted that people eat snacks while bowling without washing their hands, raising concerns about hygiene practices. For some, the cleanliness of bowling balls had never crossed their minds before, with one person admitting, “Never even thought about how dirty they are.” The revelation led to drastic statements from individuals who swore off bowling altogether, with one person declaring it as the reason they hated the activity.

However, not everyone was disturbed by the findings. One commenter suggested that the type of germs present was more important than their mere existence, while another joked about building immunity by playing in dirt as a child. The divisive reactions to the video highlight the varying perspectives on cleanliness and hygiene standards in communal spaces. Despite the differing opinions, the video serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining sanitation in shared facilities to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria. The impact of this revelation on the future of bowling remains to be seen, but it has undoubtedly sparked a conversation on hygiene practices in leisure activities.