One thing tricks body into burning calories without dieting, research finds

Removing a single gene from fat tissue has been discovered to trick the body into burning more calories without the need for traditional dieting, according to recent research led by Nottingham Trent University. This breakthrough finding has the potential to revolutionize weight loss techniques. PHD2, a gene responsible for regulating brown fat – a type of tissue that helps to keep the body warm in colder temperatures, was the focus of the study. Scientists found that eliminating this gene from brown fat tissue led to a significant increase in the body’s metabolism, which is the process of converting nutrients from food into energy.

The results of the research, published in the journal Nature Communications, revealed that mice lacking the PHD2 gene burned 60% more calories than those with the gene, despite consuming more food. Dr Zoi Michailidou, a researcher at NTU’s School of Science and Technology, explained that this discovery could potentially lead to new ways to address obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other conditions associated with excess weight. By reducing the impact of the gene, there is a possibility to disrupt the connection between obesity and type 2 diabetes, offering hope for individuals at a higher risk of developing the disease.

While acknowledging that further research is required in human subjects, Dr Michailidou highlighted that targeting the PHD2 gene could offer innovative strategies to support weight loss by enhancing metabolism, eliminating the need for constant dieting. The researchers drew inspiration from the fact that being at higher altitudes, where oxygen levels are lower, can boost metabolism. Through the study, they aimed to replicate this effect by removing the PHD2 gene, which they described as an “oxygen sensor” for the body, from brown fat tissue.

Subsequent tests on mice demonstrated that those lacking the gene burned more fat and calories, prompting the researchers to analyse blood samples from over 5,000 individuals to understand the gene’s impact. It was found that higher levels of the PHD2 protein, which is produced by the PHD2 gene, were present in individuals with more abdominal fat. Additionally, the gene was linked to an increased risk of metabolic disorders such as diabetes and thyroid issues. Dr Michailidou emphasized the significance of brown fat in burning calories, particularly in response to cold temperatures, pointing out that by targeting the protein related to oxygen sensing in fat cells, calorie burning could occur even in the absence of cold exposure.

While options like the weight loss drug Ozempic exist, Dr Michailidou stressed that not all medications are universally effective, underscoring the need for diverse approaches to complement lifestyle changes in weight management strategies. The potential implications of this research could offer new avenues for addressing metabolic diseases and enhancing weight loss efforts, heralding a promising development in the field of health and wellness.