One specific type of music will calm an anxious dog, expert says

A recent tip from animal specialist Emily Boardman suggests that playing a specific type of music can help calm anxious dogs. According to Emily, reggae music can be particularly effective in soothing stressed-out canines. This advice comes after a study commissioned by Burns Pet Nutrition found that a significant number of dogs in the UK experience anxiety in various situations. The research revealed that a quarter of dogs feel anxious around strangers and other dogs, while one in 10 are nervous around children.

The tips provided by Emily are aimed at helping pet owners manage their dog’s anxiety, especially during social situations that may trigger stress. It is recommended to consult with a professional dog behaviourist, trainer, or vet for additional support if needed. By incorporating these tips and using positive reinforcement, owners can help their dogs feel more confident and reduce anxiety levels. Emily emphasises the importance of patience, consistency, and a calm approach when assisting anxious dogs.

One of the recommended strategies is sound therapy, where calming music or white noise can help alleviate anxiety in dogs. Studies have shown that specific types of music, such as classical or reggae, have a calming effect on dogs, particularly during loud events or when the owner is away from home. Additionally, aromatherapy using pet-safe essential oils like lavender or chamomile can create a relaxing environment for dogs and reduce anxiety.

Interactive toys and puzzles are suggested to keep a dog’s mind occupied and provide mental stimulation to distract them from anxiety-inducing situations. Physical touch and massage, as well as playdates with calm dogs, can also help anxious dogs socialise and feel more comfortable around others. Calming products like anxiety wraps, pheromone diffusers, and natural supplements are available to reduce anxiety levels in dogs.

Maintaining a consistent routine, especially during transitions like the end of school holidays, can provide stability and predictability for dogs, helping to reduce anxiety. By gradually adjusting the dog’s routine to accommodate changes and incorporating extra playtime and activities, owners can support their pets in adapting to new situations. Celebrating small victories and creating a supportive environment for dogs are key aspects of helping them overcome anxiety.

In conclusion, Emily Boardman’s tips provide valuable insights for dog owners seeking ways to calm anxious dogs and improve their well-being. By implementing these strategies with care and attention to their individual pet’s needs, owners can help their dogs feel more comfortable and confident in various situations.