One high-protein food is ‘ruining your gut health’ says expert

Experts Warn of Negative Impact of High-Protein Foods on Gut Health

In a recent revelation, an expert has highlighted the detrimental effects of a particular high-protein food on gut health. Despite being a popular choice for fitness enthusiasts, this food, along with other supplements, has been identified as a potential cause of digestive issues.

Chris Dubberley, a gut health expert from Incontinence Shop, emphasised the importance of being cautious with certain high-protein products commonly consumed before or after workouts. Protein bars, often laden with isolated fibres and sugars that may not sit well with some individuals, were singled out for their potential to disrupt gut health.

Dubberley explained, “Protein bars containing ingredients like chicory root fibre and maltitol can ferment in the gut, leading to bloating, gas, or diarrhoea. Athletes, in particular, need to be mindful of choosing protein bars made from whole ingredients and with minimal added sugars to support their gut health during exercise.”

Furthermore, the expert cautioned against excessive reliance on whey protein powder, cautioning that an imbalance in gut flora could result from overconsumption. Dubberley warned against the potential negative impact of added sugars and flavourings in protein powders on blood sugar levels and gut microbiota, stressing the importance of maintaining a diverse diet to support gut health.

Pre-workout supplements, comprising a mix of ingredients such as artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and caffeine, were also highlighted as potential irritants for some individuals’ stomachs. Dubberley advised individuals to pay attention to their bodies’ responses and make adjustments as needed, as digestive tolerance can vary from person to person.

On a positive note, creatine was identified as a beneficial supplement that could support gut health by providing energy to gut cells, thereby reducing inflammation and strengthening gut defences. Dubberley emphasised that maintaining a healthy gut barrier is crucial for preventing discomfort and maintaining overall gut health.

As individuals strive to make informed choices about their dietary and supplement intake, Dubberley’s insights serve as a valuable resource for those looking to optimise their gut health as part of their fitness and wellness journey. By being mindful of the impact of high-protein foods and supplements on gut health, individuals can make informed decisions to support their overall well-being and performance.