Simple £20 Hack Can Drastically Reduce Car Theft Rates
A budget-friendly solution to deter car theft has emerged, and it only costs £20. According to a motoring expert, window etching is a cost-effective measure that can significantly lower the chances of car theft. The process involves etching the vehicle’s windows, making it more challenging for thieves to clone and sell the car. Furthermore, if a vehicle with window etching is stolen, it is reported to be 10% more likely to be recovered. Surprisingly, a study by Halfords has shown that a third of motorists are unaware of this security measure.
In response to the rising insurance costs and the spike in vehicle thefts, which have surged by 50% as per recent statistics, this quick and affordable process seems like a practical solution to safeguard one’s vehicle. Halfords is advocating for insurance companies to offer discounts to responsible motorists who take proactive steps to secure their vehicles, such as opting for window etching. Aaron Edwards, a motoring expert from Halfords, emphasizes that window etching is a highly effective and inexpensive method to enhance car security by making it less appealing to thieves.
The window etching service provided by Halfords includes visibly etching all the windows of a vehicle with the logo of the International Security Register (the ISR) and a unique code specific to the vehicle. This unique code is linked to a secure database used by all police forces across the UK, aiding in both theft prevention and vehicle recovery. Graham Stapleton, the CEO of Halfords, underscores the importance of rewarding individuals who invest in securing their vehicles, especially considering the sharp increase in thefts leading to higher insurance premiums.
While window etching is a popular choice, some motorists also opt for additional security measures like diamond standard wheel locks and dash cams. However, these additional measures are not yet standard requirements on insurance policies. Motorists interested in window etching can obtain more information through Halfords’ service. In a bid to stay updated with the latest news, individuals can join the daily newsletter for breaking news updates on their phones via WhatsApp.
The rise in insurance premiums due to increased theft incidents has pushed for a reconsideration of insurance policies to reflect the efforts made by motorists to enhance vehicle security. It is evident that investing in such security measures not only protects the vehicle but also contributes to the overall decrease in car theft incidents, benefiting both the motorists and the insurance industry.
To stay informed about the evolving security measures and industry updates, individuals are encouraged to follow Wales Online for the latest developments. Stay connected with the community by joining the WhatsApp network for exclusive offers and advertisements. Privacy preferences can be tailored according to individual preferences, ensuring a seamless user experience.
By adopting simple and affordable security measures like window etching, motorists can play a proactive role in safeguarding their vehicles and contribute to the collective effort to reduce car theft rates. With the support of insurance companies and service providers like Halfords, responsible motorists can access the necessary tools to enhance their vehicle security effectively. Join the collective movement towards safer roads and protected vehicles by exploring the options available through reputable services like Halfords.