Olympic gold medallist Greg Rutherford champions unique ‘Dads only’ ballet classes

Olympic gold medallist Greg Rutherford recently took part in a unique initiative that champions ‘Dads only’ ballet classes. The classes, offered by David Lloyd Clubs, provide fathers with the opportunity to join their children in learning ballet moves like the pirouette, fouette, and penche. Rutherford, who participated in the class with his daughter Daphne, shared his experience, expressing the importance of spending quality time with his children and taking a genuine interest in their hobbies.

The concept of ‘Dads only’ ballet classes was introduced following a survey that revealed 73 per cent of fathers wished to attend more activities with their children but faced obstacles such as lack of time due to work commitments, budget constraints, and distractions from social media. David Lloyd Clubs’ chief commercial officer, Martin Evans, emphasized the significance of fathers being involved in their children’s daily activities from a young age and highlighted the importance of bonding through shared experiences.

The research also indicated that during a typical week, fathers spend just over six hours of quality time with their children, with one in five fathers noting a decrease in the time spent together over the past year. However, 63 per cent of dads currently take their children to activities or classes on a weekly or daily basis, showcasing a strong desire for parental involvement.

For many fathers, the joy of witnessing their children learn new skills, experience excitement, and achieve a sense of accomplishment is a significant motivator for participating in such activities. Evans underlined the aim of the ‘Daddy Ballet’ classes to provide a playful and enjoyable environment for fathers and children to engage in physical activity together, fostering positive and energetic interactions.

The initiative reflects a growing trend of fathers wanting to actively participate in their children’s lives and create lasting memories through shared activities. By offering unconventional yet engaging classes like ballet, David Lloyd Clubs aims to encourage fathers across the country to embrace new experiences and strengthen their bonds with their children in a fun and lighthearted setting.