Novak Djokovic, the renowned tennis star, had a rather “awkward” incident at a restaurant with his wife, Jelena, that left him feeling “embarrassed.” Despite being married for over a decade and sharing two children, their relationship almost didn’t take off smoothly after a peculiar first date.
The Olympic gold medalist and winner of 24 Grand Slam titles is not only impressive on the tennis court but also has an intriguing romantic journey. On their initial encounter, Djokovic tried to impress Jelena at a fancy sports bar in Monte Carlo but ended up ordering something unexpected. Jelena reflected on their first meeting, recalling an “awkward moment” when Djokovic attempted to order for her, resulting in a surprising plate of raw meat when he ordered a steak tartare, thinking it was her preference.
Despite the initial mishap, their love story blossomed, leading to an engagement in 2013 after eight years of dating and a beautiful wedding in Montenegro in July 2014. Djokovic made up for the awkward first date with a meticulous proposal that involved a romantic hot-air balloon ride, during which Jelena was taken aback by a banner sign asking, “Will you marry me?” This elaborate gesture set the stage for their long-lasting marriage and family life.
Fast forward to 2025, Djokovic and Jelena are celebrating over a decade of marriage, having welcomed two children into their lives. Their son Stefan was born in October 2014, followed by their daughter Tara in September 2017. Despite the initial awkwardness, their relationship has stood the test of time, marked by memorable moments and milestones.
Novak Djokovic’s journey from a first date blunder to a heartfelt proposal showcases the depth of his commitment to his wife, Jelena, and their enduring love story. The couple’s ability to laugh off past mishaps and cherish special moments together exemplifies the strength of their bond, inspiring others with their journey through life’s ups and downs.
Their story serves as a reminder that even the most awkward beginnings can lead to lasting and beautiful relationships filled with love, understanding, and shared moments. Novak Djokovic and Jelena’s relationship is a testament to the power of forgiveness, humour, and unwavering commitment in building a strong and enduring partnership that transcends challenges and obstacles. As they continue their journey together, their story resonates with audiences worldwide, offering a glimpse into the resilience and joy that true love can bring.