Netflix’s Adolescence exposes secret kids’ emoji code every parent needs to know

Netflix’s “Adolescence” Reveals Hidden Kids’ Emoji Code All Parents Should Know
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The latest hit show on Netflix, “Adolescence,” is shedding light on a hidden language used by children on smartphones – a language that is rife with symbols and colours that are crucial in understanding this new tech communication method. This eye-opening series has prompted experts, including law enforcement agencies, to issue warnings to parents to stay vigilant. The show follows the story of 13-year-old Jamie Miller, played by Owen Cooper, who gets arrested by the local police for the murder of a classmate, unveiling various shocking revelations along the way.

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In one particular episode, viewers are shown a stark realization of how out of touch parents can be with the way children communicate in the digital age. A serious conversation between DI Luke Bascome, played by Ashley Walters, and his on-screen son in a school room highlights the gap in understanding between the generations. The younger character, a 15-year-old in the series, exposes how adults, including the police, struggle to grasp the true meanings behind seemingly innocent emojis, revealing a sinister side to this new form of communication.

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From the colour of love hearts to the choice of specific vegetables, these seemingly harmless symbols actually carry much deeper connotations and hide a coded language that may go unnoticed by most adults. Some symbols, for instance, can be indicative of someone being an ‘incel’ – a term used to describe radical misogynists who claim to be ‘involuntarily celibate’. Within online communities like the ‘manosphere,’ emojis like pills, the ‘100’ symbol, and even kidney beans hold secret meanings that may be alarming to parents who aren’t familiar with this hidden code.

In a gripping moment in the show, a character explains that the red pill emoji signifies ‘seeing the truth’ and acts as a call to action within certain online circles. For instance, the ‘100’ emoji denotes adherence to incel beliefs, while the kidney bean emoji is a subtle way of suggesting someone is part of that community. These revelations are eye-openers for parents who may have been unaware of the hidden meanings behind what they assumed were innocent symbols.

The show delves into the concept of ‘incels’ – individuals who identify as being unable to establish sexual relationships and who have embraced certain emojis to signal their allegiance. For example, the explosion symbol combined with a red pill signifies an incel, while the ‘100’ emoji symbolizes adherence to a skewed belief system that paints a distorted picture of relationships between genders. These revelations underscore the importance of understanding the language children use online to ensure their safety and well-being.

Parents today need to be aware of the various emojis that could potentially indicate drug-related activities. Emojis like a horse and various symbols such as an alien or a skull and crossbones might point towards drug use. Understanding these hidden meanings can help parents stay vigilant and protect their children from potential risks that may arise from online interactions. By being aware of these subtle cues, parents can take proactive steps to safeguard their children in the digital world.

Moreover, the use of emojis in the context of sexting is another area of concern for parents. Emojis like cherries, sweat droplets, and even fruit symbols can be used to imply sexual acts, highlighting the need for parents to stay informed about the ways in which children communicate digitally. Understanding these nuances can help parents engage in meaningful conversations with their children about appropriate online behaviour and boundaries.

In conclusion, while most children may not be involved in these hidden online activities, it is essential for parents to stay informed about the evolving digital landscape. By understanding the secret emoji codes and their meanings, parents can equip themselves to navigate the online world with their children effectively. Open communication, trust, and awareness are key elements in ensuring the safety and well-being of children in an increasingly digitized society.

Overall, the series “Adolescence” serves as a wake-up call for parents to educate themselves about the hidden language of emojis, to better protect their children in today’s digital age.

The article provides valuable insights into the hidden meanings behind emojis and highlights the need for parents to stay informed and engaged with their children’s online activities. With the digital landscape constantly evolving, it is crucial for parents to understand the nuanced ways in which children communicate online to ensure their safety and well-being.