Mum who left daughter to die on sofa had removed girl’s bedroom door so she could hear her having sex

A distressing case has emerged where a mother deliberately removed her daughter’s bedroom door, exposing her to sexual encounters, ultimately leading to tragic consequences. Sharon Goldie, 49, faced an inquiry that revealed shocking details of the neglect and mistreatment of her daughter, 13-year-old Robyn Goldie. The inquiry disclosed that the young girl, Robyn, was left to die on the family’s living room sofa after her complaints of serious illness were dismissed by her mother as mere exaggeration.

The heartbreaking incident unfolded in Wishaw, Lanarkshire, in 2018 when Sharon Goldie callously abandoned Robyn at home to go drinking, leaving the teenager unattended. On her return, she found Robyn unconscious, and tragically, the girl had stopped breathing. Robyn’s cause of death was determined to be peritonitis and a perforated duodenal ulcer. The inquiry further uncovered that Goldie’s actions included removing Robyn’s bedroom door, leading to suspicions that the girl was exposed to inappropriate sexual activities in their home, as Goldie frequently entertained men under the influence of alcohol.

In a previous case in 2020, Goldie had been sentenced to three years and six months in prison for subjecting Robyn to deplorable living conditions. The unsanitary environment included cat urine and feces, which led to Robyn contracting fleas. Goldie pleaded guilty to charges of neglect, including failing to provide adequate food, clothing, and heating to her daughter, allowing her to consume alcohol and drugs, and creating an unsafe living environment.

Following Robyn’s tragic death, the Lord Advocate ordered an inquiry, highlighting the serious public concern surrounding the case. The inquiry aims to investigate potential preventive measures that could have been taken to avert such a tragedy and to identify strategies to prevent similar incidents in the future. Shockingly, it was revealed that Robyn had confided in social workers about witnessing her mother engaging in sexual activities with men in the house, raising serious concerns about her welfare.

During the inquiry, it was also disclosed that Goldie had discouraged Robyn from reporting an alleged rape and had failed to provide essential information to medical professionals regarding the incident. Social workers and officials involved in the case expressed grave concerns about Goldie’s ability to ensure Robyn’s safety and well-being. The inquiry highlighted significant failings in safeguarding procedures and interventions that could have potentially saved Robyn’s life.

The tragic case of Robyn Goldie sheds light on the importance of robust child protection measures and the need for effective intervention in cases of neglect and abuse. The inquiry serves as a stark reminder of the devastating impact of parental neglect and the critical role of social services in safeguarding vulnerable children. As the investigation continues, authorities are striving to learn from this heartbreaking tragedy to prevent similar incidents in the future.