Mum diagnosed with brain tumour after collapsing in gym car park

Mum’s Life Changed by Brain Tumour Diagnosis

Max Wrathall, a 45-year-old mum, experienced a life-changing event when she collapsed in a gym car park after a spin class in November 2022. What followed was a series of events that led to the discovery of a 5cm tumour in her brain. Despite initial misdiagnosis, Max’s friend sensed something was amiss and insisted on further medical intervention. This led to the revelation of the tumour and an urgent need for surgery.

When faced with the possibility of her mortality, Max remained optimistic and put her trust in the medical team. The surgery, lasting five hours, was successful in removing the tumour, which turned out to be benign and less severe than feared. However, the road to recovery was long, requiring Max to relearn basic tasks and adapt to new challenges.

Max’s fitness level prior to the surgery played a crucial role in her recovery process. Her determination to regain her strength led her back to the gym, albeit with some limitations due to residual issues from the surgery. Despite the setbacks, Max persevered and even participated in fundraising activities to support research on brain tumours.

This year, Max plans to push her limits further by running the Principality Cardiff Half Marathon, a feat she never imagined undertaking before her diagnosis. Her journey serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of seizing every opportunity to make a positive impact. Through her resilience and fundraising efforts, Max hopes to inspire others facing similar challenges and contribute to a cause close to her heart.