Mother and son attack teen outside primary school

Mother and Son Attack Teen Outside Primary School in Newport

A teenage boy was viciously attacked outside a primary school in Newport by a mother and son duo, resulting in him sustaining serious injuries. Jordan Dixon, 26, and Michelle Dixon, 45, assaulted the victim on March 7, leaving him with a fractured cheek and eye socket that required surgical intervention.

Details of the Attack

– The incident occurred while parents were collecting their children from the school, sparking fear and concern among onlookers.
– The defendants, Jordan Dixon and Michelle Dixon, verbally abused the victim, calling him a “paedo” and escalating the confrontation.
– Michelle Dixon was witnessed slapping the victim twice on the face with an open palm, while Jordan Dixon struck him once, causing the teenager to fall to the ground with significant force.

Impact on the Victim

The victim’s harrowing experience was shared in a victim personal statement during the sentencing hearing at Newport Crown Court. He expressed deep-seated fear and trauma following the attack, stating that he is now terrified to leave his house out of fear of encountering his assailants again. The victim also revealed the psychological aftermath of the assault, including nightmares and flashbacks of the traumatic incident.

Legal Proceedings and Sentencing

– Michelle Dixon initially claimed self-defense but later pleaded guilty to assault by beating.
– Jordan Dixon pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm.
– In court, both defendants were presented with mitigating circumstances, including Michelle Dixon’s personal struggles with fibromyalgia and mental health issues.
– Jordan Dixon, sentenced to eight months imprisonment, will be released immediately due to time already served, with conditions to pay compensation and costs.
– Michelle Dixon was given a 12-month community order, a rehabilitation activity requirement, a two-month curfew, and ordered to pay compensation and costs.

The presiding judge condemned the attack as a “cowardly and vicious” act, emphasizing the severity of the offense and the impact it had on the victim. The sentencing aimed to address the seriousness of the assault and provide justice for the victim who continues to grapple with the aftermath of the traumatic incident.

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