Morning routine helps with incurable sleep condition 4.8million have

A recent study has shed light on the impact of a morning routine on managing restless legs syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease. This neurological condition affects around 4.8 million people in the UK, with symptoms including an irresistible urge to move the legs and sensations like aching, crawling, or itching. The condition typically worsens at night, causing sleep disturbances for many individuals.
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According to Professor Adam Taylor, an expert in anatomy at Lancaster University, lifestyle changes and routines can play a significant role in reducing RLS symptoms. The condition follows a 24-hour cycle known as a circadian rhythm, with symptoms peaking at night due to the body’s melatonin release. Melatonin, which reduces dopamine levels, can contribute to involuntary movements when dopamine levels are low.
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Diagnosing RLS typically relies on symptoms and medical history, with primary RLS often having genetic links. However, secondary RLS can develop as a result of other underlying conditions such as iron deficiency anaemia, chronic kidney disease, or pregnancy. Lifestyle factors like obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption can also exacerbate RLS symptoms.

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Research suggests that exercise and stretching can be beneficial in managing RLS symptoms, with morning exercise showing more effectiveness than evening workouts. Additionally, certain medications like Gabapentin or dopamine agonists have been found to improve symptoms and overall quality of life for RLS sufferers. While there is no cure for RLS, these treatment options offer hope for managing the condition and reducing its impact on daily life.

Furthermore, addressing underlying issues like iron deficiency anaemia through supplements or lifestyle changes can help alleviate some RLS symptoms. It’s essential for individuals with RLS to work closely with healthcare professionals to find a suitable treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and circumstances. Managing RLS requires a multi-faceted approach that combines lifestyle modifications, medication, and targeted therapies.

In conclusion, the impact of RLS on individuals’ quality of life underscores the importance of ongoing research and support for those affected by this challenging condition. By raising awareness about effective management strategies like morning routines and targeted medications, healthcare professionals can empower RLS patients to lead fulfilling lives despite their diagnosis. With continued advancements in treatment options and a holistic approach to care, there is hope for those living with RLS to find relief and improve their overall well-being.