More than 100 people objected to a house of multiple occupation in Rhondda

Councillors in Rhondda have decided to reject a proposal for a five-bedroom House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) following over 100 objections from the community. The application for the HMO at Gordon Street, Ton Pentre, was originally put forward to the Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) planning committee in June. Despite officer recommendations, the committee voted against the proposal, deeming the property unsuitable for a five-bedroom HMO. A subsequent report presented at a meeting on August 15 reinforced the concerns about the development, leading the planning committee to maintain their decision to refuse it.

The primary reasons cited for rejecting the application were that the proposal constituted an inappropriate conversion, overdeveloped the site, intensified its use unacceptably, and would provide poor living conditions for future residents while impacting the amenities of neighbouring properties. The planning assessment acknowledged the need for HMOs in the social rented sector but highlighted potential negative impacts on residents and the community due to increased residential density.

Additionally, the report noted that, as of April 2019, all HMOs in RCT must be licensed under a specific scheme to ensure compliance with safety standards. Despite the application meeting certain planning policies and having convenient access to transport and services, the objections raised by local residents, councillors, and the community highlighted various concerns regarding safety, parking, social behaviour, and the impact on the area’s character.

The objections also pointed out the inadequacy of the proposed accommodation for potential tenants and expressed worries about setting a precedent for similar developments in the area. The decision to reject the HMO application aligns with the council policy, which emphasises the need to balance housing demands with community well-being and quality of life. The rejection reflects the council’s commitment to ensuring appropriate development that benefits both residents and the local area.