Misbehaving politicians risk Senedd axe under new plan

Politicians in the Senedd could face being removed by voters for misconduct under a proposed new system. Currently, the Senedd lacks a process to permanently eject members for breaching the code of conduct, even if they are suspended. The only way a member can be ousted is if they receive a prison sentence of 12 months or longer. However, there is no provision for voters to directly remove a member for misconduct below this threshold.

One particular case that sparked discussions around this issue involved Rhys ab Owen, who was reinstated after a suspension for inappropriate behaviour. Despite having his party membership terminated, there was no mechanism to force him to face a by-election. To address this gap, the Senedd’s standards of conduct committee is exploring the implementation of a recall process akin to the UK Parliament’s, with certain distinctions.

In Westminster, MPs can face a recall petition under specific circumstances, triggering a by-election if 10% of constituents sign it. The Senedd committee’s proposed system, to be effective from the 2026 election, involves replacing an ousted member with the next candidate on their party’s regional list, without holding a by-election. This change aligns with upcoming reforms in which members will be elected proportionally from party lists.

Under the proposed system, if a Senedd member commits a qualifying offence, they could be replaced swiftly without the need for a public petition. Cathy Owens of Deryn suggests that accountability should be ensured through a confirmatory vote within the Senedd. The consultation on this matter, running until September 27, seeks input on various aspects such as the grounds for recall, petition thresholds, and handling of members crossing party lines.

The committee is considering two options for the new system: a recall petition or a remove-and-replace petition, maintaining the democratic principle of party-based representation. These measures aim to enhance accountability and integrity within the Senedd while streamlining the process for replacing members who violate conduct standards.