Mind-blowing reason you need to stop listening to loud music as people ‘traumatised’ by video

A recent video has been causing quite a stir online, urging people to reconsider listening to loud music that could potentially harm their ears. The video has prompted viewers to take immediate action to protect their hearing.

The video titled “How Loud Earbuds Can Damage Your Ears” highlights the impact of listening to excessively loud music through earbuds. It explains how the intense vibrations from loud sounds can lead to the breakdown and death of tiny hair cells in the inner ear. These damaged cells cannot regenerate, resulting in permanent hearing loss. Additionally, prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause tinnitus, a constant ringing in the ears.

Commenters on the video emphasised the importance of moderation in listening habits, with one person stating, “too much of everything has never been good for anyone, always in moderation.” Others expressed shock and concern, with one user mentioning being “traumatised” and another immediately removing their AirPods after watching the video.

Recognising signs of hearing loss can be crucial in preventing further damage. Common indicators include difficulty hearing clearly, needing to increase volume settings for music or TV, and struggling to follow conversations. The NHS advises seeking medical help if you notice a gradual decline in your hearing or experience sudden hearing loss along with other symptoms.

It is essential to avoid inserting objects like cotton buds into your ears, as this can lead to complications. The NHS strongly advises against this practice, even if you suspect blockages. Free hearing tests are available at some pharmacies and opticians, and seeking prompt medical assistance is recommended for sudden hearing issues.

Understanding the risks associated with loud music and taking proactive steps to protect your hearing is crucial for maintaining healthy ears. By being mindful of volume levels and seeking help if necessary, you can safeguard your hearing for the future.