Matthew Perry’s ex-girlfriend says she ‘couldn’t watch him die’ as she shares chilling text

Matthew Perry’s former partner, Kayti Edwards, has shared her heartbreaking experience of being unable to watch him succumb to addiction, leading to her decision to leave him. Speaking in an exclusive interview, Kayti revealed that she reached a point where she could no longer witness Matthew’s daily struggle with substance abuse, which ultimately led to her departure from his life. She detailed sending him frequent texts, anxiously enquiring about his well-being and expressing her deep concern.

Despite their close connection, Kayti made the difficult choice to step away, emphasising that she could not bear the thought of witnessing his potential demise. She recounted the toll that Matthew’s addiction took on her, sharing her sleepless nights worrying about his safety and well-being. Kayti described a pivotal moment where she insisted on getting him into a rehabilitation program, determined to help him overcome his challenges.

Tragically, Matthew Perry was found deceased at the age of 54, with the official cause of death attributed to the acute effects of ketamine, a substance he had struggled with for some time. In the aftermath of his passing, charges were brought against Perry’s live-in assistant, two doctors, and an individual known as “the ketamine queen” following an investigation into his death.

Kayti also highlighted Perry’s history with addiction, revealing that it began with prescription pills before escalating to ketamine. She shared insights into the role of doctors in his substance abuse journey, noting how Perry’s addictive tendencies were fuelled by the availability of prescription medications. Reflecting on her time with him, Kayti expressed shock at the extent of drugs Perry consumed and the levels of collusion between medical professionals in providing him with substances.

The investigation into Perry’s death shed light on the complicity of doctors in facilitating his addiction, indicating a troubling pattern of overprescription and irresponsible practices within the medical community. Kayti’s revelations underscore the complexities of Perry’s battle with addiction and the systemic failures that contributed to his tragic demise.