Matthew Perry’s ex-girlfriend and former assistant opens up on his greatest ‘regret’ that ‘sparked his addiction’

Matthew Perry’s ex-girlfriend and former assistant, Kayti Edwards, has shared insights into what she describes as his greatest regret that she believes fueled his struggle with addiction. Kayti disclosed to The Mirror US the profound impact of this regret on the late Hollywood actor, who passed away at the age of 54.

Having dated Matthew in 2006 and later working as his assistant in 2011, Kayti remained close to him until his death. She highlighted Matthew’s split with former girlfriend Rachel Dunn, whom he dated from 2003 to 2005, as a significant source of sorrow for him. Kayti believes this breakup was a pivotal moment and a trigger for his battle with addiction.

While Matthew was known for his relationships with A-listers like Julia Roberts and Gwyneth Paltrow, Kayti emphasized the special bond he shared with Rachel. Despite not having children together, Rachel held a special place in Matthew’s heart, as evidenced by her inclusion in his will. Kayti reflected on how Matthew’s demeanor changed after his breakup with Rachel, pointing to it as the turning point towards his struggles with addiction.

Expressing her belief that Matthew regretted not marrying Rachel and starting a family, Kayti suggested that these unfulfilled desires weighed heavily on him. She noted that their relationship brought him immense happiness, and its end marked a downward spiral for him. Kayti posited that this breakup may have been the catalyst for Matthew’s addiction battles.

Following Matthew Perry’s passing, investigations into his death continue, with his final resting place remaining unnamed. Kayti’s revelations shed light on the complexities of Matthew’s personal life and the impact of his relationships on his well-being, offering a deeper understanding of the beloved actor’s struggles and legacy.