Man chased ex-partner into bathroom and brutally beat her

A man from Ely, Cardiff, has been sentenced to 19 months in prison for a horrific attack on his ex-partner. Kurt Taylor chased his former partner into the bathroom of her house and brutally beat her, leaving her battered and bruised. On the same night of the assault, Taylor also used a wooden bat to cause over £1,000 worth of damage to a van belonging to a male friend of his ex-partner.

During the sentencing at Cardiff Crown Court, it was revealed that Taylor poses a high risk to partners and has a history of violence towards former partners forming new relationships. The judge expressed that Taylor should be classified as a dangerous offender but opted not to impose an extended sentence. The court heard that Taylor breached a restraining order when he went to his ex-partner’s house in Llanrumney where she, along with her children and Taylor’s own mother who occasionally helped with childcare, were present.

Taylor’s ex-partner tried to lock herself in the bathroom to protect herself, but Taylor forced his way in and viciously assaulted her, verbally abusing her in the process. The assault escalated in front of the children in the house, causing fear and distress. The police were called, and Taylor was persuaded to turn himself in, leading to his arrest. Concurrently, the court learned that Taylor had also attacked the van of his ex-partner’s male friend and sent threatening messages.

The prosecutor detailed Taylor’s criminal history, including previous convictions for affray, robbery, assault, and breaching court orders. Despite his remorse for the recent offences, Taylor’s barrister attributed his client’s offending pattern to a history of substance misuse, initially heroin addiction and later alcohol dependency. Despite these challenges, the defence highlighted Taylor’s potential for rehabilitation with the right support.

Recorder Alun Eynon-Evans acknowledged the high risk Taylor posed to partners and his alarming lack of learning from past sentences. Taylor was sentenced to 19 months in prison for assault causing actual bodily harm and breaching the restraining order. With a one-third discount for his guilty pleas, Taylor will serve at least 40% of his sentence before being considered for release. The court emphasized the seriousness of domestic abuse and encouraged those affected to seek support through helplines like Live Fear Free.